Baird noted Cronin grew distressed only when discussing the 1992 attack or past abuse.
Here participants were given a chance to discuss sexuality, health, relationships, self-esteem and abuse.
In November 2009, she published a second book, Living For Today, discussing earlier abuse by her neighbor.
The report discusses spousal and child abuse, rape, incest, and "honor" crimes.
In one case cited in the December report, a lieutenant who denied that any mistreatment had occurred was caught on tape discussing abuse with other officers.
Chapter 3: Safety: Muscio discusses sexual abuse and, specifically, the trauma that her wife went through growing up.
For days, most of the American cardinals who met in the Vatican to discuss sexual abuse by priests spoke regularly to reporters and appeared before cameras.
While there, he notably profiled Micky Rourke who discussed his suicide attempt and sexual abuse as a child, which received attention from other publications.
Among themselves, some professors have questioned whether Temple's curriculum should include a three-credit course discussing supposed sexual abuse by aliens.
Her work often explores issues of Native American identity and discusses poverty, abuse, and the condition of women in society.