He is reportedly key to I.R.A. plans to begin discussing disarmament with an international panel.
The meeting here is supposed to discuss debt, deforestation, democracy, development, disarmament and drugs - the "Six D's," as the topics are called by participants.
British civil servants and Sinn Fein officials are expected to discuss disarmament later this week in exploratory talks.
They discuss nuclear tests, disarmament and Germany.
Yukawa also became active in international conferences at which scientists discussed disarmament.
Sinn Fein says it will discuss disarmament during the full-fledged negotiations.
On Tuesday the participants will break up into groups that will discuss disarmament and peace, human rights, development, science and technology and culture and society.
The two leaders did not discuss disarmament, called decommissioning here, but made oblique references to the problem.
We were encouraged to discuss disarmament by peaceful means and this gave the United States the time to muster its forces.
They want to set up a secure camp in the fourth chamber, then they'll discuss disarmament.