And every two months there are meetings among the 82 franchisees in Nassau to discuss new items and marketing strategies.
He discussed various housekeeping items: clothes should be left in places where you could find them again; people should lie on the ground when instructed.
Discussing expensive items purchased recently (or anything similar) will be seen as boasting.
I came down here almost every week, to discuss items in his reports of particular interest.
In addition to debates on government and the creation of a press, the group discussed literary items, scientific pursuits, and other local issues.
Pfaus's mission did not include a military component and he was not given authorisation to discuss items of an intelligence nature.
Historians and art experts will be discussing items in the exhibition throughout the day.
He said he would not discuss specific items on the list because it was a classified document.
Burger King is not ready to discuss prices for or items on the new menu, Ms. Johnson said, nor the ad plans.
The important thing to remember during filming is to be talkative and discuss possible items with your team-mate and expert.