Last July, Mr. Mandela saw former President P. W. Botha, and last Dec. 13 paid a visit to Mr. de Klerk to discuss obstacles to meaningful dialogue.
It discusses the value of, and obstacles to, personal commitment - especially in the areas of love, work, and faith.
In March and April, Mermin met with DHAP staff and leaders to discuss overall goals, accomplishments, and obstacles to achieving personal, branch, and division objectives.
The goal of the talks is to discuss obstacles to the negotiations that Mr. de Klerk wants to hold with leaders of the nation's black organizations on a new South African constitution.
When discussing overcoming obstacles, he said that he has survived being "shot in the head" though he did not clarify if the incident occurred while en route to the interview (though that seems plausible).
The goal, according to a White House press briefing on Friday, is to "heighten awareness" about television's influence on children and to discuss obstacles to creating high-quality educational programming that children will watch.
Alison Beall, curator of the Marshlands Conservancy in Rye will discuss the advantages and obstacles of managing a wild lawn.
Federal officials held a conference with local law enforcement officials in November to discuss obstacles local police forces face in getting accurate, timely information.
The two sides had been scheduled to discuss obstacles to the organization's formal participation in negotiations that Mr. de Klerk wants to hold on a new constitution that would extend political rights to the country's black majority.
Meet at least once a week (even if it's in cyberspace) to discuss obstacles and celebrate successes.