We will be discussing my place as Lord Hothen's tutor.
These works discussed several titles and their place in the canon.
At least not till just now-this minute-listening to her sister and cousin discussing her place in life.
In the Sherman Brothers' co-autobiography, Walt's Time, the authors discuss the song's place in the film:
Showalter has refused to discuss Strawberry's place in the lineup and Steinbrenner claimed he would not meddle.
Likewise Plotinus never discussed his ancestry, childhood, or his place or date of birth.
One can discuss at length the nature of Russian dysfunctionality and its place in the Russian literature.
Before Walker left for the night, he met with La Russa to discuss his place in the Cardinals' loaded batting order.
I did not, I confess, make any serious effort to discuss Mr. Starr's place in history.
In Deciding Together, Moreno discusses the process of moral consensus and its place in societal value systems from social, philosophical, and historical perspectives.