In another, Mr. Hussain said, he discussed payments with the men.
The day I entered Ichilov Joan had met with the chief cashier to discuss payments.
According to Government officials, that memorandum discussed possible payments to the Israeli Labor Party as part of the pipeline project, for which Israel was to provide secret financial guarantees.
They discussed payments to defendant Newton.
The message also discussed payments for bombings, saying that money would be "sent by Western Union from New Jersey" to "liquidate the account for the hotel."
He went on to discuss "obscene" payments for those at the heart of the financial crisis (you wouldn't really expect a whole session to go by without someone having a dig at the bankers, would you?)
Russia and Chechnya must still discuss payments for rebuilding the devastated region.
The complaint against Mr. Giffen discussed only payments by the Mobil Oil Corporation, now part of ExxonMobil.
The Daily Page: Discusses controversial payments and contest prizes at WJJO.
The tapes, secretly recorded by Ms. Medlar over four years, showed that he had discussed payments to her that were higher than Mr. Cisneros had publicly acknowledged he had paid.