Last week, after the Seahawks and the Steelers arrived in Detroit, Alexander discussed various perceptions of him.
The program was aired as a 7-part series and featured different York citizens discussing race relations, racial perceptions, and the emotions inspired by the 2008 election.
Discusses the veil and Western perceptions of it, suggesting that these have been and continue to be influenced by the West's self-image.
So pediatricians and parents would probably need to discuss different perceptions of the vaccine, Dr. Liddon said.
In verses, Cyrus discusses her sentiments and perceptions about her love interest, such as believing the couple had previously encountered in a previous incarnation.
The Indian High Commissioner to the Fiji Islands, Ajay Singh, discussed perceptions of Islam.
In the course of the journeys of professors, they discuss basic thoughts and perceptions that are important in any program in international knowledge and understanding.
Now I would like to discuss perceptions drawn from observations made on Primary Health Care in South Africa.
New histories discussed public perceptions of the past - the decision that turned them into the perfect platform on which one can question historical liabilities in the West.
Officers from the Community Relations Bureau spend an hour a week for six weeks discussing stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination and perceptions and rumors.