A Yahoo spokeswoman said the company did not discuss "rumors and speculation."
An article in Business Day yesterday discussed rumors affecting the stock of Presstek, an imaging technology company.
A GTE spokesman said it was company policy not to discuss rumors.
In this case, the article in the July 21, 2008 issue about Obama did not discuss the attacks and rumors but rather Obama's political career.
Citicorp officials declined to comment, saying corporate policy forbade discussing rumors of acquisitions.
The launch night saw Davina give a house tour, as well as discuss rumors that had been going on about the series.
Mr. LeGrand now says he and his friend were only discussing rumors.
Sometime later, while discussing rumors in the ranch house, Glenn heard something and went to a window to see outside.
Pakistanis discuss rumors of the desecration of Chinese mosques.
They discuss rumors about one supplier's death.