A group of 33 managers, department heads, advertising and other executives met over a 10-month period to discuss suggestions that would make the magazines more inclusive.
Mrs. Pruitt refused to discuss either her son's criminal record or suggestions that he was an alcoholic.
Program officers are available to discuss ideas for future programs, and welcome suggestions from regional organizations.
Analysts also meet with agencies, public organizations, legislators, and legislative staff to discuss issues, questions, and suggestions regarding an individual regulation.
Under the program, store managers are to meet each week with 10 employees who sign up to discuss concerns, suggestions and ideas for improving operations.
They discussed suggestions and presented future directions for identification research.
The official declined to discuss specific suggestions the pair have made but said that they are involved in coordinating both the stage setup and graphic design.
In a large store, the department heads will get together to discuss suggestions of the most suitable products.
Mr President, today we are once again discussing suggestions for improvements in the fight against synthetic drugs.
The teams meet on a regular basis to discuss the ideas and suggestions.