The terminology used in discussing literary texts has been left till last because it is the one which has traditionally been most familiar to English teachers.
A week long residency by a group of artists and writers engaged with reading and discussing feminist texts, in particular the work of Luce Irigaray.
Many Muslim women also go jalasehs where they can openly discuss religious texts in a safe environment.
She hosted a TV show on Channel 2 that invited guests to discuss classic and modern Jewish texts.
Yeshivish may use a "chanting intonation" for reading and discussing Jewish texts.
Discussing literary as well as philosophical texts, Nussbaum seeks to determine the extent to which reason may enable self-sufficiency.
The purpose was to discuss key negotiating texts.
Hence she regrets that schools today have largely given up discussing and analyzing texts.
We're discussing religious texts to make our faith relevant and to have something to say about the world in which we live.
Charioteers carry messages from a Roman court, and Jewish and Islamic scholars discuss texts.