Evangelical leaders met Kosovar government officials a number of times and even discussed their concerns with the prime minister, Bajram Rexhepi.
In May 2004 the US Ambassador to Germany discussed the case with the German interior minister, asking him not to press charges or to reveal the program.
"God willing, he will discuss with the cabinet, with the prime minister and other colleagues and then he will take a decision how to proceed."
She had worried lest the prime minister consider her an interfering Yank, but he received the recommendations cordially and promised to discuss them with the minister of health and social services.
In Paris, President Jacques Chirac discussed the confrontation over Iraq with the Egyptian foreign minister, Ahmed Maher.
He said the planned visit was not discussed during her meetings with the president and the prime minister.
Last Saturday evening he was on the phone discussing permutations of the words "material breach" with the French foreign minister 20 minutes before walking his daughter down the aisle for her wedding.
This is something that you will have discussed with the minister when you arranged the wedding and may vary according to religion and/or ceremonies decided upon.
In Paris, Mr. Chirac discussed Iraq with the Saudi foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal.
He discussed religion and world politics with the minister of Peacock's church, who had dropped in for luncheon.