Arab leaders are miffed that the American discussion proceeded without consulting them.
The requirements may well be modified as detailed work and discussion proceed.
The discussion proceeds at a slow pace, however, because of how Bynar society makes changes.
As the discussion proceeded and Bob expressed the view that he very much wanted to change his behavior, then we began to talk about sanctions.
There is no need to sustain them because they are simply given truths that establish the framework within which discussion can proceed.
The discussion proceeded, with every aspect of the venture subjected to attack and analysis.
The discussion should proceed only after you and the officials are clear on exactly how the information can be used or attributed.
A discussion has since proceeded in good order on the basis of the Commission's proposal.
I should therefore like to hear from the Commission how the discussion in the Council is proceeding.
If discussions proceed one issue at a time, the North will be tempted to hold some chips in reserve.