The disease afflicts women and men in almost equal numbers.
The disease afflicts 500,000 to one million Americans, including 2 percent of those over the age of 70.
This disease afflicts perhaps eight million Americans and causes blindness in 5,500 each year.
Huntington's disease afflicts about 30,000 Americans, and 150,000 others are at risk of developing it.
The disease afflicts an estimated 100,000 Americans and possibly a million people worldwide.
According to the death certificate, the disease first afflicted the judge in 1978, a year before he ruled against the five tribes.
The Screamies is a new disease afflicting people at random around the world.
The disease afflicts four million people, and family after family has a sad story to tell about it.
Such "orphan diseases" each affect no more than 200,000 people but together afflict 20 million.
The disease, which is considered to be the most disabling of mental disorders, afflicts about 2.8 million Americans.