Failure to learn human immunodeficiency virus test results in Los Angeles public sexually transmitted disease clinics.
Moreover, the guidelines recommend patients in sexually transmitted disease clinics and pregnant women to be tested, too.
The evidence comes from interviewing first-time blood donors and people attending sexual disease clinics.
"If we didn't do this, we would have to find people to lay off in our tuberculosis clinics or sexually transmitted disease clinics."
Health departments in several cities have tested people coming into sexual disease clinics.
A blood test can detect antibodies if you might have been exposed, and treatment is then possible in specialist travel or infectious disease clinics.
"In 1990-91, we had thirty-six thousand patient visits at the city's sexually transmitted disease clinics," Zenilman says.
Field workers associated with sexually transmitted disease clinics in the state's major cities then go out to check and, if necessary, treat the partners.
A hospital facility was set up, along with a dental clinic, a venereal disease clinic, and a medical dispensary.
Seroconversion in patients attending sexually transmitted disease clinics.