This is partially because the disease impairs normal thinking, concentration, and communication.
The disease impairs the digestion of pollen, thereby shortening the life of the bee.
This disease impairs the body's ability to repair and maintain soft tissues.
The disease impairs vision and can damage peripheral nerves, causing symptoms like burning sensations in the legs.
Renal disease impairs excretion, and it should be used with caution in renal disease.
Generally, mental disease or drugs impair their thinking.
When ocular disease, such as cataract, impairs vision, the pupils respond normally.
This disease impairs the production of digestive enzymes, effectively starving the abalone to death.
However, during the duration of the infection (usually several weeks), the disease severely impairs a person's ability to work, care for family members, and obtain food.
Because the disease and its treatment impair the immune system, a person who has lymphoma has an increased risk of dying from infection.