One caller asked, "As a disenchanted voter, why should I vote for either of you?"
But they were not the issue for Labor tacticians, who were interested more in attracting disenchanted Likud voters.
In the fall, when Presidential candidates top the ballot, scores of disenchanted voters could be drawn to minor-party candidates and independents competing in the Congressional races.
B1 New Jersey's disenchanted voters have encouraged four Democratic legislators to talk openly about repealing parts of Gov. Jim Florio's $2.8 billion tax package.
But he scoffed at the effort, saying it was merely helping him communicate his anti-corporate, pro-third-party message to disenchanted, disengaged voters.
It would also have given the vote to Mexicans outside the country; 10.1 million Mexicans, voters potentially disenchanted with the governing party, live in the United States.
If it returns to its true fighting self, instead of compromising with Republicans, it will energize new and otherwise disenchanted voters.
Among those defeated were all of the young, self-styled progressives whose campaigns have drawn many disenchanted younger voters into their first show of political enthusiasm.
The Ammiano campaign, as it exists, has galvanized disenchanted voters who had planned to sit out the election, his supporters contend.
United Left attracted the lion's share of disenchanted Socialist voters unhappy with what they asserted were business-oriented Government economic policies.