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The one with the strange disfiguration who told me the prophecy.
Three of the four victims could not be immediately identified due to severe disfiguration.
He has a strange disfiguration upon his body.
"Have you ever seen someone with severe facial disfiguration?
It causes disfiguration as deep infections cause the skin to break and develop abscesses.
The very thought of such disfiguration on the prettiest girl in the tribe turned Flint's stomach.
It is understandable that disfiguration might cause psychological suffering, but replacing one face with another will not solve the problem.
The injured nurse was a remarkably handsome young female and such a disfiguration could be a real tragedy.
Long-term consequences include permanent bends or disfiguration of the long bones, and a curved back.
As a result of his disfiguration, Jono can only speak via telepathy.
But all of these people were so alien and ugly to her, his forbidding disfiguration was only a matter of degree.
Four years ago, the statue itself was refurbished and coated with a material that is supposed to repel disfiguration.
The dark of it against her light skin was like a photographic negative of my own white-on-dark disfiguration.
Scarring could lead to permanent nail disfiguration.
In addition to chemotherapy, patients with leprosy need psychosocial support, rehabilitation, and surgical repair of any disfiguration.
Mr. Yushchenko said his recent disfiguration was a result of his being poisoned.
There is some disfiguration.
He nearly died at Mass General, with multiple fractures, massive internal bleeding, and horrible facial disfiguration.
Dermal neurofibromas can lead to stinging, itching, pain and disfiguration.
On long-term followup, most patients have skin discoloration and/or mild disfiguration from the dormant tumor.
However, despite the disfiguration, she appeared with jewels over her scars and won the competition, thwarting her enemies.
"A very unusual disfiguration."
"Because," Mr. Tree said, "of the disfiguration of my face."
Franz is faced in the train to Berlin by a man with a grotesque facial disfiguration, a glimpse of his fate according to the narrator.
A preventive mastectomy carries certain risks including those of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, disfiguration, anxiety and disappointment.