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His body, alone among all the others, was not disfigured.
How could a human being allow his body to be disfigured so?
Some of them were disfigured by fire, others she could still recognize.
If the body was disfigured, then the question of true identity comes into play.
She looks strong enough, though much disfigured with those scars.
As a result, the right side of her face was permanently disfigured.
They are, let us say, being disfigured in some weird way.
As a small boy he was caught in a gas fire that left his face disfigured.
Not one that might disfigure her, but she would be marked.
It was disfigured by the shot he had fired into his head.
And who would dare to disfigure a window so, if he were not of the family?
The man tells Tony the story of how he came to be disfigured.
It was important to disfigure his face so that identification would be difficult.
He's disfigured one of the workers, til she looks like him.
The woman's face was unfamiliar, and the last time he'd seen Sister she'd been disfigured.
In its turn, the fear simplified and disfigured so much of what he saw along the way.
Body was badly disfigured at the time of the autopsy.
His sojourn in the water had not disfigured him very much.
The man who has to wear gloves because something disfigures his hands.
In the movies one does not disfigure one's arms or legs.
It was so with all the ugly institutions which disfigure human history.
At the age of nine, he was disfigured after a car accident in which his brother died.
There was something horribly personal about disfiguring a person's face.
A procession of public schools disfigured by age and neglect.
His mother, a strong, religious woman who had always believed in the work ethic, was disfigured.