I am quite shocked that the Guardian of all papers should put a positive spin on this disgraceful episode.
Another one of those disgraceful episodes when a pitcher goes "inside" after giving up a couple of home runs.
"Such disgraceful episodes are not business as usual, nor can they be allowed to become so," Giamatti continued.
It was a disgraceful episode in the history of Christianity.
"I am not afraid of any serious inquiry, and I face this disgraceful episode with serenity."
I have noticed,as will anybody who pays attention to this disgraceful episode in our short term history.
"To me, this is one of the most disgraceful episodes in America's military history."
Britain had been duped and taken advantage of in that disgraceful episode as well.
"Such disgraceful episodes are not business as usual," Giamatti explained.
The commission's chairman, Graham Greene, has already described the proposal as 'a particularly disgraceful episode'.