Why the ragged line of burghers was permitted to hold the strategic kopje was one of the disgraceful incidents of this battle.
I'll do everything in my power to help expedite a successful conclusion to this disgraceful incident.
Asked to characterize the disturbance, Chowdhry said, "This is the most disgraceful incident I have ever seen in boxing."
It is the opinion of some that Leighton's persecution and punishment "form one of the most disgraceful incidents of the reign of King Charles I".
He would be glad to see the last of both of them and the end of a possible disgraceful incident.
Now get back to your work and never let me hear of a disgraceful incident like this again from Junior Unit Twenty-Three.
Fining them each about $700 and sentencing them to 150 hours of community service, the judge in the case called the assault "a thoroughly disgraceful incident."
If we need to make changes to the Rules to cope with disgraceful incidents of this sort, I am determined that we shall do so.
Local authorities were appalled, but could attribute no cause to the disgraceful incident except drunken high spirits.
They relate to and throw some fresh light on one of the most disgraceful incidents in Scots history.