Some disgruntled citizen might sic a flock of vampires on his honor.
Economic crisis plus disgruntled citizens already dismayed at mass migration is a mixture we do not need at this moment.
Since then (after facing delayed flights, crime, inflated prices, and disgruntled citizens) tourists have not been returning from Russia with love.
A disgruntled citizen had broken it during one of his early tours with the Bureau.
A revolt by disgruntled citizens was put down in 1918, with an estimated 2,000 killed.
We encourage disgruntled citizens in Eastern Europe to stand up and declare their nationhood, right?
So how do we deal with our own disgruntled citizens, Harland?
In part, Cuban officials have seemed to want to reassure disgruntled citizens of some light at the end of their long sacrifice.
From what we understand it comprises only about 60 disgruntled citizens, and that's all.
Yet years later, he was still making himself available to disgruntled citizens - and one of them finally killed him in 1881.