Despite his stern, disgruntled expression, Whitney could tell that he was touched.
Even in moonlight his disgruntled expression was clear to read.
The doctor looked at me with a disgruntled expression.
No one was, and he climbed onto his horse with a disgruntled expression.
The old man was wearing a snowy white robe and a disgruntled expression.
He used the facilities, hoping no one would notice that he was not reversed, then backed away, adopting the appropriate disgruntled expression.
Min stood by the fires, stirring a kettle with a disgruntled expression.
The range officer's undistinguished face assumed a disgruntled expression.
The secret-service operative was wearing a disgruntled expression as he talked to his five companions.
Now, regarding her husband's disgruntled expression with some satisfaction, Anne had another barb at hand.