The disgruntled man with the florid face huffed.
But like Big Foot, such tales, told by disgruntled single men, are hard to prove.
Expect to see more evil queens and disgruntled men on ABC.
The story concerns a disgruntled man, recently released from prison, who takes out his anguish by making snuff films.
The disgruntled man changed his seat, and a young woman sat beside me.
Who's nextT' she called, taking the bal from the disgruntled Chinese man.
The tanner was a disgruntled man; he believed himself entitled to be a Nineteener, but he couldn't get recognition.
(Even the disgruntled man at the end of the line comes back for more.)
They showed up shortly, two very disgruntled men, disarmed and escorted by Kelly and an assistant.
No group of disgruntled men was too ragtag not to warrant big, prophetic news stories.