Dragon flight 163 Ramoth made a disgruntled noise deep in her throat.
After several moments went by without a response, I heard him fling himself into an armchair, making a disgruntled noise that sounded something like a cross between gargling and growling.
She made a disgruntled noise, dismissing the notion.
"Well, she can't very well leave them here," I muttered to Jamie, who was making disgruntled noises in the dusk behind me.
He made a disgruntled noise in his throat.
She rolled over on her side, and immediately immersed herself in the book, ignoring all the disgruntled settling-in noises Sandra was making.
He gave a disgruntled noise.
Bradford made some kind of disgruntled noise deep in his throat, Emmaline sighed, and Nester snorted.
Ramoth made a disgruntled noise deep in her throat.