But the building's landlord, Jeffrey Smith, says he is fed up with the griping by disgruntled residents.
Earlier this year the police used tear gas to stop a demonstration by disgruntled residents and arrested some of the protesters.
"Purely by happenstance, local government finally did something right," said one disgruntled long-time resident.
They also offer a pipeline to local elected officials and a mechanism for disgruntled residents to let off steam.
And the officials say the complaints of some, perhaps justifiably, disgruntled residents create the misperception that the community is being singled out for tough enforcement.
They tried to cajole disgruntled residents to permit the polling stations to open.
Hobart Ison, a local man who rented several properties to Appalachian miners, was one such disgruntled resident.
A newsletter further allows disgruntled residents to vent their frustrations without waiting for the next general meeting.
The measures may be too late to appease some disgruntled residents, many of whom are urging that the entire school board be ousted.
But for some disgruntled residents, it may be too late.