Her Government faced almost daily coup threats from disgruntled soldiers.
They all laughed even more loudly, as the disgruntled soldier walked down to the river.
The rioting and looting was led by disgruntled soldiers who had not been paid for several months.
Even it could have a disgruntled soldier who might take a shot at the President.
The disgruntled soldiers had renewed their pounding on the rear door.
The Blackshirts were established as the squadristi in 1919 and consisted of many disgruntled former soldiers.
He turned from the rail before the disgruntled soldier could frame a reply.
The rioting and looting were led by disgruntled soldiers who had not being paid in several months.
We cannot afford to be dragged 30 years backward because of the greed of a few disgruntled soldiers.
"I cannot meet you," a disgruntled young soldier was heard saying over the telephone, breaking a date with his girlfriend.