John Westlock begins as a disgruntled student falling out with Pecksniff.
In the third, a disgruntled former student whom I didn't recognize came at me with a hatchet.
Oxford University and two of its leading academics have been served with writs for £70 million from a disgruntled former student.
Some have claimed that the fire was the result of arson committed by a disgruntled student, but this charge has remained unproven.
In 1972, he was shot five times by a disgruntled student who had been asked to withdraw from the university due to poor grades.
Worrying about worst-case scenarios is appropriate since, as one disgruntled student put it: "This is a real policy.
In his objection to the materials, the disgruntled student charged that Edwards was using his course to advance religious ideas.
As a change of pace, she handed one disgruntled student some science fiction by the writer Ray Bradbury.
And the reviewer reaching that vast public could well be a disgruntled student eager to even the score for some real or imagined slight.
This has led to a number of disgruntled students, parents, and even staff.