You really don't need to know all the disgusting details, but be assured that they are both blood curdling and insanely original.
At least Gasfitters didn't go in for such disgusting anatomical details and besides Senior Secs all came from so-called respectable families.
She and Juilin were probably the only people in camp who did not know, now that Thom had surely revealed every disgusting detail to Luca.
Julius Precebio wrote with disgusting detail about your passion.
The first it was necessary to conceal from your Majesty because of its horrible and disgusting details of scandal.
Now Stephen found himself empowered, even compelled, to study the man, in the most chilling and disgusting detail.
I do not wish to hear the disgusting details of his personal life, soldier.
We read in disgusting detail of the ways in which his mother-in-law was abused by his father-in-law.
All right, if you must know every disgusting detail.