But she showed a similar level of enthusiasm toward such obviously disgusting foods as fried liver and canned peas.
He also has a tendency to serve disgusting food that he likes but the others do not.
It was not until the very last episode where he gained success by forcing Dom to eat a mixture of disgusting foods.
Overpriced tickets, disgusting food at outrageous prices, bored staff, where's the fun in going to the flicks.
He has a taste for gross and disgusting food like Dractyl's old dead scales.
This bothers Megan as her mother always serves disgusting food at book club meetings.
It still features acts of eating exotic, possibly disgusting foods.
His father had complained of that: "They smell of disgusting food!"
You can be sure that a lot of similarly unsafe and disgusting food ends up in American stomachs.
She makes disgusting food and gets very offended if the family doesn't like or eat it.