In "The Carpet", a disgusting substance is left on Michael's carpet, and, at the end of the episode, Packer calls him and reveals that it was he who left it.
Ms Y, a young widow with a 3 year-old child suffers racial and physical abuse from her neighbours as well as receiving threatening phone calls, hate mail, and disgusting substances pushed through her letterbox.
Instead, he asked an- other question: "Why do you not clean off the hatchling, which is still cov- ered with these disgusting substances from inside your body?"
A fouling material (a disgusting substance)
Like bad cheese, he really did have an oily green mold growing over part of his face, which sweated a disgusting substance like sticky whey.
Remarkable instances in which disgusting substances have been craved and eaten are often talked about and have even found their way into popular novels.
Oddly enough, it was this disgusting substance that had prompted Vestress to summon the aboleth in the first place.
Way back in the 1960s, someone played a nasty trick on the student Sidney Scheider: He had to take a bath in a tub filled with cornflakes and coffee grounds, vinegar and even more disgusting substances.
Kris froze in horror, staring as more and more of the disgusting substance poured from her dummy's gaping mouth.
If ye're not feeding me some disgusting substance made of ground beetles and hoof-shavings, you're pokin' my belly and making intimate inquiries into the state of my bowels.