The 2000 Olympics in Sydney proved to be a disheartening experience for Qi.
It was a most disheartening experience for the Temple Owls.
To the Editor: David Esterly (letter, Nov. 20) states that "even the best managed woodland is a disheartening experience."
The league and White should learn a lesson from this disheartening experience.
But nobody has had a more disheartening experience at Roland Garros than Pierce.
Being turned away at the door, as you watch your line-mates disappear into the studio, is a disheartening experience.
It was a disheartening experience to have to fight for ground once held.
"One of my most disheartening experiences is when a child is all excited to get there and there's no one to meet," he said.
It is a disheartening experience to have a bold, intrepid defender produce resistance that you had not expected.
Mr. Sutton forged into the race anyway, and faced "the most disheartening, deprecating, disabling experience I have ever had," according to his later description.