Franjo Tuđman is often accused of having acquired his personal property by dishonest means.
Ronnie got hold of the rifle, by dishonest means, taking advantage of his aunt's gullibility.
He employed dishonest means to reach positions of power, eventually being appointed as chief commandant of Jinan.
To dream of making a wager, signifies that you will resort to dishonest means to forward your schemes.
Through dishonest means, they were attempting to steal back the antimatter.
How do you justify using such underhand, dishonest and dictatorial means to deprive a displaced people of their legal right to return home?
Each of Jeffrey's trials had been an amoral process in which the opposing attorneys had allowed ends to justify dishonest means.
Martha took her life after his imprisonment, Johannes has become rich by dishonest means and lives in Vienna, now a severely ill man.
Dudley was not a man to take no for answer though and devised a scheme to obtain Birmingham by dishonest means.
Cheating is the getting of reward for ability by dishonest means.