A dishonest person who has your Social Security number can use it to get other personal information about you.
"So you are generally a dishonest person, right?"
If is big becomes very large, which makes it impossible for a dishonest person to guess the sign key.
Mund was the only dishonest person who could possibly have been here in the castle.
Is there no room at the top for a totally dishonest person?
"This is a constant concern, that you are at the mercy of the most dishonest person in a very, very long chain of people."
It was not that I was a dishonest person.
Anyone who claims they can tell if a truly dishonest person is lying is full of it.
If a dishonest person stumbled upon that clue, it might be possible for him to have an impostor claim the fortune.
He is a flatterer and appears to be a generally dishonest and unpleasant person.