He schemes to make of me a dishonorable man.
I think Mr. Katz, who brought down an arrogant fool by setting a recording trap, is a dishonorable man.
"They are most dishonorable men," Jim Bob zenned, comforting Joey and putting his guitar away to retune later.
To have such a dishonorable man govern us for two more years is frightening and unthinkable.
"He would not dare harm me after making that promise," said Jantor; "too many warriors heard him, and they are not all dishonorable men."
But I have not mentioned it publicly because I think Deep Throat is a dishonorable man.
That was why we priests were so terrified of the idea of a dishonorable man loose with that kind of power.
Nor would I suffer the behavior of dishonorable men.
Overall Pierpont is a very dishonorable man that does little to earn the respect of anyone, including his daughter.
I'm not a dishonorable man by nature.