By the time they reached the city, he was a thoroughly disillusioned man.
However, Babri tragedy left him a most disappointed and disillusioned man.
His book is the testimony of a disillusioned man who turns with some bitterness on his former colleagues.
The second is the way of the disillusioned 'sensible man'.
Nigel demanded of the disillusioned man who stood before him.
He is, without question, an angry and disillusioned man.
Joseph Somes says he died "a broken and much disillusioned man."
He died on 19 February 1984, a disillusioned and dispirited man.
It was a very sad letter, a letter from a proud and disillusioned man.
Even Peter Jackson, our one great player, became an extremely disillusioned man and vanished from the scene at too early an age.