As a result, many disillusioned left-wing voters have turned to the remaining Communist Parties in recent years.
Nick Clegg is facing calls to stand down as the Liberal Democrat leader to prevent disillusioned voters punishing his party further.
I know disillusioned low paid voters that did not vote Labour.
Last year, disillusioned voters shocked Mr. Mugabe by electing opposition legislators to nearly half the contested seats in Parliament.
The bases of both main parties include unusually large numbers of disillusioned voters.
And some, while applauding Mr. Clinton's approach, think the White House is exposing them unnecessarily to reprisal from disillusioned voters.
The party appealed to disillusioned young urban voters, and republicans.
Mr. Seddio, a well-known community leader from Canarsie, is certain he can attract some of those disillusioned voters.
In a bid to woo disillusioned black voters, officials scrambled to parcel out land to as many people as possible before the presidential election this year.
But there is still a real question of how much disillusioned voters would be impressed by enactment of new ethics and campaign laws.