Its disjointed narrative seems to be illuminated by lightning flashes rather than by rational Dutch daylight.
Worse yet, there was very little in the disjointed narrative of the reports that showed the mimic ship could be real.
Part of Tarantino's trademark of disjointed narrative is to incorporate exposition into the story instead of just having it to explain the story.
Farley began a long disjointed narrative.
The story purports to be a disjointed, discontinuous narrative, from Billy Pilgrim's point of view, of being unstuck in time.
Otherwise I never would have known..." Picard held up a hand to stop her disjointed narrative.
An antidote for this disjointed narrative may lie in Mr. Kahlhamer's recent interest in what he calls "ideas of belief."
The report was considered to be of poor quality, as it had a disjointed narrative and repeatedly failed to cite the relevant evidence.
Many critics have hailed Steadman's illustrations as another main character of the novel and companion to Thompson's disjointed narrative.
The review also says that the multiple issues the film attempts to cover "make for a disjointed, clichéd narrative."