She disliked working on private home projects since they were not a challenge for her and they paid very little money.
Bentley worked for Shell for three years but disliked working in advertising.
Many actors disliked working with him, because he bullied them to get the performance he wanted.
As early as 1990, Bowie knew he'd be going back to solo work, although not because he disliked working with the band.
"The dilemma of white collar workers is that they dislike working late, but they haven't found a practical alternative."
They had a common background: Both men grew up in white rural areas and disliked working with blacks.
They dislike working at someone else's pace.
"I really disliked working behind a desk," he said.
Noguchi disliked working in bronze because of its facile reproduction potential.
They have been the cause of many accidents on the railway, and many engines dislike working with them.