Ramsey finished the game with a bruised left elbow and a dislocated finger on his left hand.
I landed on one of my newly replaced knees, and was so concerned about it that I failed to notice a dislocated finger.
Tonight, he gave them spiritual guidance with a dislocated finger.
I have two dislocated fingers, but the skin wasn't broken.
Pippen said of his two dislocated fingers: "I feel better.
Brumfield began as a handball player until a dislocated finger prompted him to take up paddleball in 1964.
Safety Tito Wooten has a dislocated finger on his right hand.
Symptoms of a dislocated finger include: pain, swelling, looking bent or deformed, not being able to move the finger.
King, despite playing with two dislocated fingers and the flu, scored 44 points in the game and 213 points in the series.
A Brown spokesman said Gessner had a dislocated finger, and a doctor put it back into place on Saturday night.