The national papers have been busy printing their obiturary and the faithful fans are still in mourning following last Saturday's dismal defeat against West Hartlepool.
He kicked a goal with his first kick in AFL football, and was one of the few shining lights in a dismal defeat.
This one lasted about 15 minutes, enough time for Messier to offer a lengthy critique after a dismal defeat.
It was such a dismal defeat that most Yankees did not even bother to discuss it.
We should be celebrating victory gentlemen, not looking as though we have suffered dismal defeat.
Jackson's last game in charge was a dismal 5-1 defeat to Nottingham Forest on 3 March 2007.
It was a very abrupt reversal of fortunes for a Nebraska team that had seen great success and dismal defeat just weeks apart.
The rest of the Dons were locked behind closed doors for 45 minutes as an inquest was held into this dismal defeat against their Selhurst Park landlords.
But Kendall's patience with his struggling stars ran out after the dismal defeat at Sheffield United edged the Merseysiders closer to the relegation zone.
A dismal 2-0 defeat at Ibrox Stadium on 8 November led to widespread calls for Le Guen to leave.