Like this film, so colorful it looks as set-designed as a movie, his eye-catching pictures entice viewers to look more closely at the dismal reality beneath the vibrant surface.
The disconnect between these rosy images and the ever-worsening, dismal reality of factory life alarmed many operatives, including Sarah Bagely, a young operative who had moved to Lowell in 1836 to work in the mills.
Was it money, glory, adventure, or was it the dismal reality of their isles?
Despite such dismal realities, Ms. Midgette, who turned 30 recently, said most children she encounters have the will to learn and achieve.
But since her year in the limelight ended, she has had to confront the dismal realities of her profession.
This dismal reality only confirms the worst fears of the project's critics - and is a far cry from the high hopes of those who backed it.
Separating the two, a galactic abyss-the impossible leap between wishful thinking and dismal reality.
"They were trying, especially in the first half of the 30's, to write peppy songs to counteract the dismal realities of the day."
The ad was deceptive, but the pollution is a dismal reality.
However, recent reports in the media have once again revealed the dismal reality of shipbreaking practices in some parts of South Asia.