But according to persons familiar with the situation, he was dismissed Monday at the request of the new owners by Frank Biondi, Viacom's president.
The charges were dismissed at the request of the prosecution which pointed out serious doubts in Diallo's credibility and inconclusive physical evidence.
Other sources claimed he was dismissed at the request of Turner and director George Cukor following an argument between the two stars.
The prosecution was dismissed at the request of the Government before any review of that determination by the trial judge.
In June, after years of appeals, a judge dismissed the case at the request of both sides, wiping out the $6 million judgment.
A state judge dismissed the charge about three weeks later at the request of the Eagle County district attorney, Mark Hurlbert.
On May 22, 2006, three of the ten misdemeanor counts were dismissed at the request of the prosecution.
On November 1, 2007, the judge dismissed all charges against DeVecchio at the request of prosecutors.
On 12 January 2005, Moss v. Moyer was dismissed at the request of the Contestors.
But the matter was dismissed at the request of Federal lawyers before any of the contributions had been made.