The measures have been opposed by Chief Parks, himself a strict disciplinarian who dismissed 54 officers last year, a record for the city.
A3 Colombia dismissed four senior officers in wake of drug escape.
Mr. Coughlin had also dismissed two other officers who witnessed the beating but lied about what happened.
Using tough new regulations, the Navy has dismissed 85 officers and sailors for sexual harassment since 1992.
It has dismissed more than 100 police officers, he said, but lacks the forensic resources to prosecute many common crimes and most human rights cases.
Laluk dismissed many old officers and appointed new ones in their place.
He said he had dismissed 18 officers for making false statements.
From 1985 to 1994, officials sought to dismiss 30 officers at Clinton for inmate abuse, according to records disclosed in court cases.
Using these new orders and regulations, the Navy has dismissed 89 officers and sailors for sexual harassment since 1992.
He has dismissed eight officers for using excessive force in the 17 months since he became police commissioner, he said.