The decision whether or not to indict and therefore, possibly, to dismiss the prime minister will be up to one person, Israel's attorney general.
As president, Mr. Abbas has the power to dismiss the prime minister, but not necessarily to call new elections.
Mr. Hussein also dismissed the minister whose apparent miscalculation led to the announcement 10 days ago that the country faced a gasoline shortage.
At that point in the conversation, Mr. Hussein dismissed the foreign minister and had him driven to the airport, the accounts said.
The president will be able to dismiss the prime minister and his government, but only in limited instances.
When he refused, Botha dissolved the cabinet and dismissed the rebellious minister.
The president also gained the ability to dismiss the prime minister without requiring new elections.
The decision to suspend rather than dismiss the minister was unusual, but was not immediately explained.
Under the new amendments, opposition leaders said, Parliament would still not have the power to question or dismiss the prime minister himself.
The original amendments gave him the authority to dissolve the Parliament and dismiss the prime minister.