University policy, however, allowed for employees to file for arbitration in dismissal cases, which Donnelly did.
Almost all constructive dismissal cases involve an unfair dismissal claim.
What do you stand to gain in a wrongful dismissal case?
The risks of being sucked into a tribunal are real - 40,000 unfair dismissal cases are heard every year.
Witness expenses would be ended and only one judge would be used in unfair dismissal cases.
After that was withdrawn, the dismissal case at the labor commission was restarted.
He tried to transfer his pension last year after he won his unfair dismissal case.
The process of conciliation in unfair dismissal cases serves two purposes.
Unfair dismissal cases rose 56% in 2009-10 over the previous year, but the figure is misleading, it argues.
If you lose an unfair dismissal case, the tribunal may order one or more of the following: