But the state's executive deputy human rights commissioner, Lynne Weikart, who ruled that Mr. Bowers's dismissal violated state law, called the firm's argument "implausible."
In its final report, the committee concluded that Crowe's dismissal violated due process, natural justice and academic freedom.
Mr. Filicia charged that the dismissals violated Federal laws banning discrimination.
Myers argued that his dismissal violated this law, and he was entitled to back pay for the unfilled portion of his four-year term.
If a discharged employee contends that the dismissal violates his constitutional rights, the High Court ruled, the courts may review the case.
Ms. Maw sued Advanced Clinical, asserting that her dismissal violated New Jersey's whistle-blower statute.
A Federal jury decided yesterday that Rutgers University's dismissal of a tenured chemistry professor in 1988 did not violate his First Amendment rights.
The appeals court ruled that Symington was entitled to that juror's vote, and her dismissal violated Symington's right to a fair trial.
The woman argued that her subsequent dismissal from her job violated the disabilities act.
Russia's labor minister, Aleksandr Pochinik, said last week that the dismissal violated Russia's labor law and gave the theater until Monday to reinstate her.