The trustees instead hired an outside consultant to conduct a six-week review, which was criticized by faculty for being hurried, incomplete and dismissive of their views.
Of course, dismissive reviews didn't help either.
The first London production, using the playwright's English translation and directed by Peter Hall, received generally dismissive daily reviews.
Vernon Bourke wrote a particularly dismissive review in the medieval history journal Speculum, asserting that "scholars need not concern themselves with this so-called dictionary".
The magazine publishes relatively few dismissive reviews.
Nazism was one of the main butts of the work and Der Stürmer responded with a very dismissive review.
That had followed a set of dismissive reviews and mediocre sales for the $7.5 million production of "Dracula," which is playing at the Belasco Theater.
Our short, rather dismissive review missed the point of the book (as I had done).
The New York Times Book Review published a dismissive review on February 24, 1952.
The shows got few good comments, with "Providence" earning especially dismissive reviews.