When Michael stood his ground, Kurt let loose with two crudely dismissive words.
It was not only the dismissive words, it was the coldness in his face as he said them.
Her dismissive words were like a knife through his brain.
I remembered Kenji's dismissive words about his wife, the girls he'd slept with.
Striking, too, is the way that a maid's apparent status as a long-standing family member can evaporate with a single dismissive word.
Sianna felt Graham's pang at the woman's dismissive words.
To borrow one of his many dismissive words, it's hogwash.
He came to rue his dismissive words, which subsequently entered family lore.
But after a particularly bad beating in a high school tournament, three dismissive words staggered Miranda.
The collections these realists produce are often dismissed as "commercial," one of the most dismissive words in the fashion lexicon.