More than 1500 different disorders of the skin exist, including cutaneous eruptions ("rashes") and neoplasms.
We frequently find by post-mortem examination that no physical disorder exists in the brain or nervous system of such persons.
A. The National Institutes for Mental Health in the 70's spent a lot of money to find out what psychiatric disorders existed in the community.
Unfortunately, neither the issue of reliability (accurate measurement) or validity (do these disorders really exist) was settled.
There is agreement that visual perceptual disorders exist and can be debilitating, but there is controversy over the pathology of the condition.
Other rare eczematous disorders exist in addition to those listed here.
While they agreed that multiple-personality disorder exists, most said they knew of no cases combining truly psychotic and rational selves.
But some doctors question whether the disorder exists.
More than 40 neuromuscular disorders exist with close to 100 variants.
Thus, mental illnesses are socially constructed illnesses and psychotic disorders do not exist.