All mental and physical disorders may interfere with work or usual social activities, hence these losses are not diagnostic of dementia.
The definition for children says the disorder must interfere with activities like family relationships or school or community functions.
Bipolar disorder in children greatly interferes with a child's ability to function in school, with friends, and at home.
Sleep disorders interfere with normal sleep cycles, preventing a good night's rest.
When thought broadcasting occurs on a regular basis, the disorder can affect behavior and interfere with the person's ability to function in society.
Left untreated, the disorder can interfere with children's growth as the rituals come to dominate their lives, crowding out other activities.
Some individuals with dermatillomania find that the disorder interferes with daily life.
Both disorders interfere significantly with academic performance but may do so by different means.
These disorders can negatively affect quality of life and interfere with a cancer patient's ability to function socially and emotionally.
These disorders can be disabling and can interfere with treatment.